Chris Chucas

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FMP Exhibition Planning Sep 28th (LO3 LO4 LO7)


sep 28th

I went into Sho gallery to speak to the gallery owner Emily. Hannah from HATW has approached her and sent me some general info about the before hand. I basically went in and pitched the show what I wanted to do. I asked about putting work up for the week and opening it with a night of music etc.

 Information discussed paraphrased -

  • I followed up with an email that paraphrased what we discussed as it was a lot of ingo in the conversation. 

  • Habits and Mindsets is the title of the work and i've attached some pdfs for reference with a statement and some examples. 

  • *Depending on the other student work your waiting on we're aiming for a week in the first 2 weeks of November.

  • *It's a colab with HATW with a focus on mental health awareness and music as a coping tool. 

  • *I'll deliver work to be hung ( although I cant afford frames right now so i'll have to get creative.

  • *hoping for an opening night with bands playing and roughly aiming for a 7-9 slot. Bands playing and talks 

  • *hoping to sell zines which some profits could go towards heads

  • *im running a podcast myself and would love to get you and hannah on separately to promote the show and you can plug your own events too

  • *looking at promoting with shop window space 2 weeks prior to launch with a hashtag campaign

  • *I can live stream the event and use my seo and social media skills with the podcast to promote the gallery and Heads maybe if I did a few extra podcasts and promo videos facebook ads for yourself seo work that kinda thing, you could consider it in trade for a longer duration if there is space? ( just an idea).

  • * I'm in talks with other parties to sponsor the zine printing and potential books

  • * I'm in talks with other indie stores to maybe r run a discount scheme with the zine to promote local business in town.