
A goodbye letter to Bangers, by Chris Chucas

Dear Bangers,

Thank you for doing what you do and for doing it for so long. I'm really sad I can't make the last show today. Just a post to say thanks again for everything you've done. Your music has been a massive part of my life that always seems to echo thoughts and feelings on the world that I've shared with fast, loud ,( and for bonus points- Cornish) music that always makes me feel better for listening to it. I put a few videos and images together as it seemed fitting it being your last show.

You're great guys that I've had the pleasure of photographing, filming and chatting to over the years. I recall many a time listening to records at times in my life were I was freaking out and I always being able to refocus and reframe my perspective using music. You've been a big part of my work and a massive inspiration to me as person and an artist. 

Have a great show !


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Bangers, Cut Ups, and Hot Mass @ Buffalo Bar Cardiff by Chris Chucas

Bangers Cut ups and Hot mass all played sets last night on what's been said to be Bangers last tour (maybe in Wales or for anywhere for a while I can't remember) either prospect is a sad one.

Bangers, Cut Ups, and Hot Mass @DIY Cardiff's show Buffalo Bar Cardiff Fri 22nd April 2016

Bangers, Cut Ups, and Hot Mass @DIY Cardiff's show Buffalo Bar Cardiff Fri 22nd April 2016


Anyway here's some images and it was a really good night. First Bangers song was Church Street in Ruins one of my favorites. Was pretty stoked to hear it. Check out the rest of there tour dates @BangersBangers and also check out Specialist Subjects Punk Rock Boat Cruise should be rad with  Shit Present / Caves / Personal Best / Doe - 12th May get into it ! I can't wait.

Jeff Rosenstock @ Clwb Ifor Bach, Jealous Lovers show March 31st, 2016 by Chris Chucas

Today as I awoke from barely any sleep and climbed onto my imac to sift through the hundreds of images I shoot from last nights show I thought; why have I got so many images? I normally reign it in to a manageable 100-200 images. Multiple that by about 3 and that's what I ended up with. Why? Because the Jeff Rosenstock band are off the f--king wall. Definitely one of my favourite bands to shoot. Every single song played with sincerity and wheelbarrow loads of energy. I've always wanted to see Btmi and never got the chance and i'm so glad that I got to see Jeff Rosenstock ( the band ). I shot a bunch of stills and also some super sketchy live video ( it was rammed). I was alone so no multicam live video this time sorry. I shot it for cutaways for the punk rock documentary but i thought i'd put it up for you to see what a rad show it was. Jealous lovers have really shone through again, they must have been going crazy as there was 3 shows on in Clwb Ifor Bach.  I also caught up with Jeff for a quick interview for the documentary which I'll be putting up in the very near future too. Great Cynics were awesome as always our very own Vega Bodegas killed it opening for everyone. 

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